Leadership Team Effectiveness
Leadership programmes should empower leaders with a breadth of knowledge and skills to lead people effectively.
Our leadership development programmes are customised based on your unique requirements and are designed to help managers achieve outcomes including talent development, improved retention, develop problem-solving and improved communication.
Group Leadership Programmes
What is it?
Our leadership programmes cover many topics and we’ll work closely with you to gain a deep understanding of the fundamental barriers holding your business back. As part of our discovery process, we will tease out the hidden difficulties that are holding your business back and address the gaps, moving your team from where they are to where they need to be.
Who’s it for?
Managers, Leadership Teams & C-Suite
We help your managers and leadership teams create a mindset shift to drive behavioural and cultural changes essential for success in the modern world. Your managers must be able to identify and resolve underlying issues in their teams, cultivate internal talent, drive ongoing development and retain top talent.
What can we help you to achieve?
- NA clear vision and strategy
- NImproved business growth
- NIncreased sales and market share
- NImproved staff retention and talent development
- NAn understanding of what is holding your business back
- NImproved productivity & reduced cost of sale
- NImproved leadership capabilities
- NDeveloping a business that people want to work for and with
- NA better understanding of how to strike the right balance between driving business performance and motivating employees
- NHow to drive the behavioural and cultural change necessary to achieve your business potential
- NImproved productivity & reduced cost of sale
- NImproved leadership capabilities
- NDeveloping a business that people want to work for and with
- NA better understanding of how to strike the right balance between driving business performance and motivating employees
- NHow to drive the behavioural and cultural change necessary to achieve your business potential
Our Diagnostic Tools and Assessments
Let us help you to make an impact with our 360º behavioural feedback tools
Our assessment process sometimes involves gathering anonymous feedback about senior managers from their teams. This assessment complements many of our leadership development programmes as its anonymity allows the feedback to be more honest .
Provided it’s approached constructively, this can help the person being reviewed improve how they interact with others.
The great thing about our assessments is that they help you to understand at a much deeper level how your senior managers go about their work, how they behave and how they collaborate with others, in a bid to embed behavioural change.
Translating the results into actionable priorities can be challenging when using 360º feedback reports.
Our assessment tools take the pain away by making it as easy as possible to gain useful feedback, understand it, and take action because they are simple to digest without complex graphs or numbers to decipher.
When our assessment is complete , we provide a de-brief of the results along with an easily- digestible report which omits the confusion of how to take action on your results, giving clear coaching suggestions enabling you to make improvements with immediate effect.
Our assessment tools will help you quickly identify:
- Your strengths – when you know what your strengths are you can look at ways of making better use of them
- Potential areas for ongoing development
- Any patterns or specific messages or differences in perception from groups or teams
By simplifying the process, we have found that employees are more likely to:
- Take action
- Understand their priorities
- See an impact
- See a return on investment
Our partnership with WeThrive
We truly believe you can only succeed if you have clarity about what is happening on the ground. Once you pinpoint performance roadblocks and understand individual needs, you can help everyone in your organisation to thrive. We believe WeThrive’s framework creates a level playing field for senior managers.
- NA clear vision and strategy
- NActionable results
- NCurated learning content
- NSmart goal setting
Find out more about how you can use the WeThrive Intelligent tools either as a standalone product or alongside our other services.